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OCR: Apple Tape Backup 40SC System Reguirements To use the Apple Macintosh Plus: Ablank formatted tape Backup insc Macintosh Macintosh II. cartridge auoi 15 supplicd have the following: Appk II+ Apple Hc. CIT with each Apple Taxe Apple IIcs personal computer Backup FOSC order A11 Apple SCSI Interf:ace: C:ird Order Numher AB2{87} 1n:1}: a1:0 want >1 in Apple PIcH D>isk 20SC purchitse a1 -4O5C. of 8OSC Macntrsh 4UMB Tape Catrirlpes Internal Disk 20s0 4OSC or 8USC Ordering Information Apple Tape Backup 41 rder N. M264 W.t. order you'll recerve: Apple Tape Backup 1DSC Onc blank tapc cautridge Owner : yuile Liniled AUFJIFN sale:nenl .... 40MB DIEL Cartridges No M(0132 pack uf cartridges Apple Computer 21525 Mariani Avenue t:pl: t:xnpL.er. Apec ard -Je ApleJip eered I Imnkrwda Ale per lnc Cupertino 9 ...